HARMONY IN EXISTENCE and in objects is in accordance to the laws of the universe and rythm.If the airplane by virtue of mans calulations gets the shape of an object of nature, is it because it has got in touch with these laws. If the bread, the musical instrument, the turbine, which are all the result of experiment and calculation, appear to us as "organized" phenomenon, that is bearer of a certain kind of life, is it because they have found these contacts. Accordingly a plausible definition for harmony: an element of concordance between the inner rythm of man and the laws of the universe. This could give an explanation of the cause to the satisfaction you feel before certain objects, a satisfaction which in every moment implies complete concordance. When you stop before Partenon is it because our inner string is trembling. Contact has occured.
~Le Corbusier
type production has gone mad,
with its senseless outpouring of new types..
only in degenerate times can personality
(opposed to the nameless masses)
become the aim of human development.

~Jan Tschichold 1928

THE MISCONCEPTION which has haunted philosophic literature throughout the centuries, is the notion of independent existence. Every entity is only to be understood in terms of the way in which it is interwoven with the rest of the universe.~Alfred North Whitehead
NATURE SHOWS IT´S DEPTH and complexity in beauty. It´s perhaps the only way it has to show it.